Just getting rolling on this one. Reference the "How to Read from a DynamoDb" (here) to see how my table is set up. Create a new API Create a Lambda Function Choose "Author from scratch" Runtime - choose "Python". Enter a role that has admin rights. Create the first iteration of the lambda function. If...
The instructor of this course is highly regarded according to a friend with knowledge of this area so I decided to give it a go. I found that if you drop him an email and say really nice thing that he will send you a discount code ;-). Course URL: https://www.voitanos.io/products/mastering-the-sharepoint-framework-fundamentals/ My Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RF-Ab_fuu_Ubld-a-AMsKNry45GhVq0Iv-40hcaT3zg/edit?usp=sharing
This is a fun little side project that I've wanted to do for a while. As discussed in my article on how to ask Alex for the pool temperature (here) I mentioned that I wrote a little python script to upload the temperature to both adafruit.com and initialstate.com. I could then access the data from...
The date was January of 2001 and the location was Chicago. I was accompanying my boss Sherry to the corporate headquarters of my employer of a little more than a year. While in a meeting we heard a commotion in the lobby. A group of armed guards had walked in to the building lead by...
Course URL: https://www.udemy.com/course/react-2nd-edition/learn Live Application URL: https://react-course-adam-expensify.herokuapp.com/ Status: Finished! Here are the features: User authentication via Google. Full CRUD with Firebase. Users see only their own data. Fully automated testing with Jest. Each component is individually styled. Automated builds in production (a single git push rebuilds the environment) Babel polyfill makes the app available in...
My notes on Pluralsight's React: Getting Started Course URL: https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/react-js-getting-started/table-of-contents My Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y9sUQGuF3sQsXRrtHeo6aht8rABFxZL7rdvrAjrLtQM/edit?usp=sharing
I decided to take on yet another course as I wanted to learn something about Appcelerator :-). My Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19V_WQVvQyHNixh3zqhPpyBthaSR5Cy_6lc45tHdz17M/edit?usp=sharing Course URL: https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/cross-platform-native-apps-appcelerator-studio-alloy/table-of-contents Duration: 5 hours and 28 minutes (!) Problems I encountered #1: NPM was a newer version The installer was smart enough to know that npm was newer. It wasn't smart enough...
Started on 5/1/2020 Course URL: https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/angular-ngrx-getting-started/table-of-contents My Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fCTDs0f7f_rDKEdW_dNhO64lNNEihmrpoK53FXhs6rU/edit?usp=sharing Duration: Course Modules Introduction The Redux pattern First Look at NgRx